Note Taking Systems |
5 Methods
- The Cornell Method
- The Outline Method
- The Mapping Method
- The Charting Method
- The Sentence Method
康奈尔方法提供了一种系统的格式来压缩和组织笔记,而不需要费力地复制。. 在主栏写下笔记后, use the left-hand space to label each idea and detail with a key word or “cue.”
Method -在纸的左边留出2½英寸的空白处,在右边留出6英寸的空白处做笔记. 上课时,在6英寸的地方记下信息. 当老师讲到一个新的点时,跳过几行. 课后,尽可能多地完成短语和句子. For every significant bit of information, write a cue in the left margin. To review, cover your notes with a card, leaving the cues exposed. Say the cue out loud, and then say as much as you can of the material underneath the card. 当你已经说得够多了, 移动卡片,看看你所说的是否与所写的相符. If you can say it, you know it.
Advantages -有组织、系统地记录和审核笔记. 简单的格式拉出主要的概念和想法. Simple and efficient. Saves time and effort. “从一开始就把事情做好。.”
Disadvantages – None
When to Use – In any lecture situation.
Dash or indented outlining is usually best except for some science classes such as physics or math. 1. 最通用的信息从左边开始,每一组更具体的事实在右边用空格括起来。. 2. The relationships between the different parts are carried out through indenting. 3. 不需要数字、字母或罗马数字.
Method – Listening and then write in points in an organized pattern based on space indention. 把主要的点放在最左边. 将每个更具体的点向右缩进. Levels of importance will be indicated by distance away from the major point. 缩进可以简单,也可以复杂,就像用罗马数字或十进制标记缩进一样。. Markings are not necessary as space relationships will indicate the major/minor points.
Advantages -如果操作得当,系统组织良好. 概述记录内容以及关系. It also reduces editing and is easy to review by turning main points into questions.
Disadvantages -在课堂上需要更多的思考来准确组织. 当需要时,该系统可能不会按顺序显示关系. It doesn’t lend to diversity of a review attach for maximum learning and question application. 如果讲课太快,就不能使用这个系统.
When to Use – The outline format can be used if the lecture is presented in outline organization. 这可以是递减的(正则轮廓),也可以是归纳的(逆轮廓,其中较小的点开始构建到较大的点)。. 当阅读中有足够的时间来思考和做出组织决策时,使用这种格式。. 当你的笔记技巧超级敏锐,你可以处理任何笔记情况下的轮廓时,这种格式是最有效的。.
Example – Extrasensory perception
- Definition:不使用感觉器官的感知方式.
- Three kinds –
- Telepathy: sending messages
- Clairvoyance: forecasting the future
- Psychokinesis感知情境之外的事件
- Current status –
- 目前没有研究支持或反驳
- few psychologists say impossible
- Three kinds –
我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是. 映射是讲座内容的图形表示. 这是一种使积极参与最大化的方法, 提供靠谱的买球网站它的理解的直接知识, and emphasizes critical thinking.
Advantages – This format helps you to visually track your lecture regardless of conditions. 几乎不需要思考,关系可以很容易地看到. It is also easy to edit your notes by adding numbers, marks, and color coding. 我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是,我的意思是。. 复习记忆练习和关系. 主要的点可以写在flash卡或记事卡上,然后拼在一起形成一个表或更大的结构。.
Disadvantages – You may not hear changes in content from major points to facts.
When to Use -当讲座内容繁重且组织良好时使用. 当你有一个客座讲师,不知道讲座将如何呈现时,也可以有效地使用。.
Example –
如果讲座形式不同(如按时间顺序), you may set up your paper by drawing columns and labeling appropriate headings in a table.
Method -确定讲座所涉及的类别. Set up your paper in advance by columns headed by these categories. As you listen to the lecture, record information (words, phrases, main ideas, etc.) into the appropriate category.
Advantages -帮助你追踪对话和对话,在这些对话中,你通常会感到困惑,并迷失在相关内容中。. 减少必要的书写量. 为记忆事实和研究比较和关系提供了简单的审查机制。.
Disadvantages – Few disadvantages except learning how to use the system and locating the appropriate categories. 你必须能够理解讲座中发生了什么.
When to Use -测试将同时关注事实和关系. 内容丰富,呈现速度快. You want to reduce the amount of time you spend editing and reviewing at test time. You want to get an overview of the whole course on one big paper sequence.
Example -历史课的图表格式:
Method – Write every new thought, fact or topic on a separate line, numbering as you progress.
Advantages -比段落更有条理. 获取更多或全部信息. 对教材内容的思考仍然有限.
Disadvantages -不能从编号顺序中确定主要/次要点. Difficult to edit without having to rewrite by clustering points which are related. 很难审查,除非编辑清理关系.
When to Use – Use when the lecture is somewhat organized, but heavy with content which comes fast. You can hear the different points, but you don’t know how they fit together. The instructor tends to present in point fashion, but not in grouping such as “three related points.”
Example 1 –
A revolution is any occurrence that affects other aspects of life, such as economic life, social life, and so forth. Therefore revolutions cause change. (见课本第29-30页.)
- Sample Notes 革命——影响生活其他方面的事件.g., econ., socl. Etc. C.f. text, pp. 29-30
Example 2 –
梅尔维尔并没有试图表现生活的本来面目. The language of Ahab, Starbuck, and Ishmael, for instance, was not that of real life.
- Sample Notes – Mel didn’t repr. Life as was; e.g. lang. Of Ahab, etc. no of real life.
Example 3 –
At first, Freud tried conventional, 物理疗法:物理治疗方法,如洗澡, massages, rest cures, and similar aids. But when these failed he tried techniques of hypnosis that he had seen used by Jean-Martin Charcot. Finally, 他从Jean Breuer那里借用了一个想法,并使用直接的口头交流让一个未被催眠的病人揭示无意识的想法。.
- Sample Notes – Freud 1st – used phys. trtment; e.g., baths, etc. This fld. 2nd – used hypnosis (fr. Charcot) Finally – used vrb. commun. (fr. 布鲁尔)-得到了unpynop,专利来揭示uncons. thoughts.
Deese, James and Ellin. How To Study, 3rd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1979.
Johnson, Sue. 4个T:老师/你,文本,谈话,测试
学习成功的系统方法. 加州州立理工大学,圣路易斯奥比斯波
Pauk, Walter. How to Study in College, 2nd edition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974.
Raygor, Alton L. and David Wark. Systems for Study. New York: McGraw- Hill, Inc, 1970.